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Image by Des Récits
Selected Past Events

Community and connection are now more important than ever. These weekly, live sessions are an invitation to take rest during your day, reset with some mindfulness practices, and nurture yourself with compassion and conversation with others.


Sessions are free of charge. 


Koru Mindfulness 1.0

Summer 2021

Live Online

Mindfulness is simple and can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere - this Koru Mindfulness series can help you learn how.


These 4 mindfulness classes can help you identify stress whenever you feel it and reduce its effects.


In the class, we will do a range of guided activities so that you can pick what works best for you. Practices include:


  • Mindful walking

  • Guided imagery

  • Breathing exercises

  • Mindfulness of thoughts and feelings


There will also be space in each session for group reflection and discussion. Many people report that they feel less stressed and can sleep better after taking this series.


Registration* is free and open to anyone ages 18 years or older. 


*Registration link will be coming soon 

Community and connection are now more important than ever. These weekly, live sessions are an invitation to take rest during your day, reset with some mindfulness practices, and nurture yourself with compassion and conversation with others.


Sessions are free of charge. 


Mindfulness for Job Seekers: Refuge in the Midst of Transition

Spring 2021

Live Online

Join other job seekers each week for mutual support, encouragement, inspiration, and empowerment in your job search. Job Seekers Connection energizes and motivates participants by teaching valuable career search strategies and techniques. 


This workshop will explore how one can engage Mindfulness skills during the job seeking process to move forward with more ease, confidence, and self-compassion.


Registration is free and open to anyone ages 18 years or older. 

Community and connection are now more important than ever. These weekly, live sessions are an invitation to take rest during your day, reset with some mindfulness practices, and nurture yourself with compassion and conversation with others.


Sessions are free of charge. 

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Memory, Social Justice and Mindfulness Workshop 

Winter 2021

Live Online

This workshop builds off of Dr. Angel Acosta’s 400 Years Project, which centers contemplative practice around the history of inequality in the US. The goal of this workshop is to engage with, acknowledge, and awaken ourselves to the dynamics of racism and oppression at all levels. We will learn how to apply mindfulness skills to increase our capacity to connect with our intergenerational resilience as well as relate in more sustainable ways to the ongoing issues of social injustice. In this session, you will have the opportunity to​​:


  • Engage with mindfulness practice 

  • Walk through the 400 Years Timeline

  • Connect with other participants through conversation and reflection

  • Learn about resources to continue the work beyond the session


By understanding how history lives in each of us and the systems which surround us, we can begin to heal the wounds of historical trauma, both individually and collectively.

Community and connection are now more important than ever. These weekly, live sessions are an invitation to take rest during your day, reset with some mindfulness practices, and nurture yourself with compassion and conversation with others.


Sessions are free of charge. 

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Wellness Break - Mindfulness with CMC 

Fall 2020

Live Online

In this day and age, community and connection are crucial for our wellbeing and endurance. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased our sense of social isolation and made the disparities affecting underserved groups clearer than ever. This information session, offered jointly with the Center for Mindfulness and Compassion (CMC), is designed to provide an overview of mindfulness skills and resources for wellness and community building during this time. In this session, you will have the opportunity to:


  • Engage with mindfulness practices to apply in daily life 

  • Connect with other participants through conversation and reflection

  • Learn about CMC's many offerings and resources that may be beneficial for you and/or the communities you serve 


The session is open to all individuals interested, and no prior mindfulness experience is necessary. 

Community and connection are now more important than ever. These weekly, live sessions are an invitation to take rest during your day, reset with some mindfulness practices, and nurture yourself with compassion and conversation with others.


Sessions are free of charge. 


Memory, Social Justice and Mindfulness Four-Week Series 

Fall 2020
Live Online

"The act of remembering is itself a form of mindfulness practice that we can apply personally and collectively as well."           -Larry Yang


This 4-week series builds off of Dr. Angel Acosta's 400 Years Project, which centers contemplative practice around the history of inequality in the US.


The goal of this workshop is to engage with, acknowledge, and awaken ourselves to the dynamics of racism and oppression at all levels. Each session will have a mix of practices including:


  • Mindfulness and compassion practices

  • Walking through the 400 Years Timeline

  • Guided story telling and reflection


By understanding how history lives in each of us and the systems which surround us, we can begin to heal the wounds of historical trauma, both individually and collectively.

Community and connection are now more important than ever. These weekly, live sessions are an invitation to take rest during your day, reset with some mindfulness practices, and nurture yourself with compassion and conversation with others.


Sessions are free of charge. 


Koru Mindfulness 2.0
Five-Week Series 

Summer 2020

Live Online

Koru Mindfulness is an evidence-based way to teach mindfulness, meditation, and stress management. This 5-week course continues on the practices taught in prior Koru Mindfulness sessions in October 2019 and will teach you to to better manage stress and anxiety and become aware of stressful situations.


The sessions will include aspects of chair yoga, guided meditation, and discussion. Each session combines meditation, guided practice and reflection, discussion, and home activities with the goal of helping participants manage their stress and focus their mind. Many people have reported a greater overall feeling of calmness and improvement in their sleeping habits after participating in Koru Mindfulness.


Participants are encouraged to sign up for all five sessions. A link to the Zoom session will be sent after registration.

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